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Protect Your Health - Say Goodbye to Forever Chemicals

We Remove Water Contaminants for Park City, Summit and Wasatch Counties

...Because We All Live Downstream

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The Forever Chemical Concern

Many residents in Park City and surrounding areas are increasingly worried about the presence of Forever Chemicals in their water supply. These persistent pollutants, known for their resistance to environmental degradation, pose serious health risks over time. Exposure to Forever Chemicals has been linked to various health issues, including cancer, hormone disruption, and developmental problems, leaving families concerned about the safety of their drinking water.

Imagine starting your day with a glass of water, only to realize that it may contain harmful contaminants that could jeopardize your health and well-being. The thought of unknowingly ingesting these toxins every day can be unsettling, causing anxiety and frustration among residents who simply want access to clean and safe drinking water for themselves and their families. As the awareness of Forever Chemicals grows, so does the urgency to find a reliable solution to this pressing issue.

At Water Science, we understand the gravity of the Forever Chemical concern and are committed to providing effective solutions for residents in Park City, Summit, and Wasatch Counties. With our advanced water purification systems and expertise, we offer peace of mind by effectively removing contaminants, including Forever Chemicals, from your water supply. Our proven methods ensure that you can enjoy pure, refreshing water that meets the highest safety standards, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your health and happiness.

Over 750 5-Star Google Reviews

The very best service! They reminded us of a yearly service…then scheduled it at a most convenient time…then completed the service cleanly and efficiently. I love this system. The water tastes like it come from an artesian well

The very best service! They reminded us of a yearly service…then scheduled it at a most convenient time…then completed the service cleanly and efficiently. I love this system. The water tastes like it come from an artesian well - JoAnn Ralphs - 5 Star Google Review

Good price, fast delivery, clean installation and informative instruction from a knowledgeable technician. Who could ask for more!!??

Scott Lowell 5 Star Google Review

I have nothing but great things to say about Water Science. From the moment I inquired with them, they have had excellent customer service and timely communication. Their team is professional and arrived on time for each appointment. I would recommend them highly to anyone looking for water softening and filtration.

Keely Ng 5 Star Google Review
Google Verified Reviews


We are your water experts!

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Whole Home Water Filtration
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems
  • Water Softeners
  • CRS Systems

We work with Home owners, property managers, builders, and commercial properties.

We offer Installation, service, maintenance and repair.

Forever Chemicals are a group of chemicals that are do not break down over time. They last forever and are likely in your body already. The bad news is that they build up in your body over time so that your body get more and more as you continue to take them in. The good news is that they don’t stay in your body forever and so if you slow down or stop your exposure to them, the levels can reduce over time.

One of the primary ways that you take forever chemicals in is through water. By eliminating these and other substances found in your water, you can reduce their harmful affects.

The video is from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) – a group that helps educate about the dangers of PFAS and other contaminants.

All water treatment equipment has parts that need to be replaced regularly so that they continue to work properly.

Most of us are busy and can forget to change them at the proper intervals. Water Science can help by making sure your systems are always up to date!

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