The Park City Municipal Corporation selected Water Science to design and install a water treatment system to improve the water quality for ice making at the Park City Ice Arena. Purified water creates a higher quality ice surface and significantly reduces maintenance and energy costs. The result is ice with a harder, faster and better texture than ice made with municipal water without additional treatment.
By treating the municipal water with a water softener, carbon filter, a series of pre-filters and a reverse osmosis system, 95% of the minerals and other impurities are removed. Using pure water for ice making prevents a buildup of minerals at the surface during the freezing process. The ice is more resistant to chipping, severe gouging and general snow buildup. Reverse osmosis water also makes a much clearer ice. This clear ice is ideal for in-ice advertising and is more aesthetically pleasing.
Experts know that pure water makes the best spirits and beer. Water Science, water softener Park City, was commissioned to design and install water purification systems for several of our local Park City distillers and brewers.
Water Science, water softener Park City, designed and installed a complete water purification system for this innovative manufacturer of ventricular assist devices (heart valves), resulting in a significant cost savings over the purchase of pharmaceutical grade water in small expensive packages.
Water Science, water softener Park City, was contracted by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, a division of the Department of Agriculture, to engineer a small water treatment system for the Indian Reservation located at Navajo Mountain.
Green River, Utah has some of the hardest water in the nation. Understandably, several landowners were frustrated and cautious when, after considerable expense, other companies failed to properly specify the correct water treatment equipment. Water Science was vetted and subsequently chosen by State Agencies who provided grants to the landowners to treat their water.
Due to the large amount of NaCl (salt) required to exchange the hardness minerals, standard water softeners were not efficient enough to treat the well water. Water Science employed Nano-Filtration Technology eliminating the requirement for water softeners upstream of reverse osmosis membranes. Through a combination of Multi-Media Filtration, Iron Removal, Selective Membrane Technology, and an Ultra Violet System Water Science was able to produce bottled-water-quality purified water.
Our successful treatment of this problematic water has earned Water Science, water softener Park City, the reputation as the “go to company” for water treatment in this picturesque region.
6420 N Business Park Loop Rd, Park City, UT 84098, United States of America
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